Shifting diamonds: A Homecoming week retrospective


A winning goal at a soccer game, royal banquets, fairs and a book chronicling history mark the year’s Homecoming festivities. The Diamond Anniversary echoed across IWU’s campus. 

In 1993, construction of the new Student Center began, showing IWU’s growth to both students and alumni.

It wasn’t until the fall of 1994 when the student center was first opened, with it being an important aspect of the 75 anniversary. 

“As a member of the Alumni Association, Californian Jill Mazellan feels the best new addition to our campus is the Student Center,” wrote former Journal Staff Writer Lynn McFall (The Journal, 1994).

“When she graduated in 1985, Mazellan says IWU was ‘more of a commuter school. There wasn’t much for the residents. The new Student Center gives the campus a sense of unity,’” wrote McFall.

The New Student Center was later named the Barnes Student Center in 2010 to honor former IWU president Dr. James Barnes. 

“The subjects sat in the banquet hall anticipating the King and Queen’s grand arrival. Most everyone was dressed in semi-formal attire for the much-publicized Royal Banquet,” wrote Melissa Foulk, a former Journal staff writer. 

The Diamond Anniversary had its first annual Homecoming Banquet, an event that started with the announcement of the IWU Men’s Soccer team winning their Homecoming game. 

“The room was nicely decorated in our school colors, gray and red,” Foulk wrote. 

Homecoming today is more than a soccer game and banquet. 

The IWU Football team was introduced to the world in 2018, and it is now ranked third in the nation by the NAIA. The Homecoming game is the title event of Homecoming weekend. 

And in recent years, Fallapalooza has been put on by the Student Activities Council. 

“I’m not actually sure of the exact year and when it started, but I know it has a rich history throughout Indiana Wesleyan,” said Kaley Drury, SAC’s marketing director. “It actually used to be a student government event, and then it sort of got handed over to us over the past few years.”

Fallapalooza is one of IWU’s school dances throughout the year. But before 2011, dancing in any form on campus was unheard of. 

“Students turned ‘Rebash 2011’ into a ‘Footloose’ celebration on Jan. 14,” wrote Steven Porter, a former staff writer. “Despite some confusion over how the revised dance policy announced by SGA last semester applies to such events.”

While the new policy came with many restrictions, such as having the venue, music and staff supervisors approved by Student Development, it was a pivotal moment in IWU history, allowing the development of Fallapalooza. 

“I’m all for dancing. I love to dance. I appreciate how times have changed. Indiana Wesleyan also adjusts with the times as well. We’re not in those times anymore, and if that’s what you believe, then that’s great,” said Drury. 

Homecoming also features things for alumni, with Tuesday of Homecoming week featuring events in the Hub. 

“[The alumni] did tie dye T-shirts, and I know they’re helping put on the Jervis Campbell concert,” said Drury. 

30 years ago, Homecoming was a simple banquet, soccer game, and a small concert. Today, through SAC and SGA, IWU goes all out with Fallapalooza, a football game and tailgates. 

It’s amazing to see how much IWU has changed, and with the announcement of a new basketball arena coming to campus, changes around IWU are not slowing down.

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