IWU represented at Kennedy Center theater festival 

The IWU Theatre Guild attended the Kennedy Center Theater Festival hosted in Wisconsin during the second week of January. 

Dr. Steve Wood, who has been an active participant in Kennedy Center festivals since 2000, said that colleges from all over the Midwest region attend this festival to participate in the Irene Ryan scholarship competition and to build their theatrical skills through varieties of workshops.  

Wood said that the Irene Ryan competition was named after the actress known for her role as Granny in “The Beverly Hillbillies.” Ryan had created an endowment for young actors that continues to this day. 

Wood said students from eight separate regions compete for this prestigious award and the winner of each region’s festival travels to Washington D.C. and competes for thousands of dollars and scholarship and professional opportunities.  

The IWU Theatre Guild faced off against 300 other actors from the Midwest region. 

Indiana Wesleyan students Abby Shewan, Anna Blower and Bryan Crossman were all nominated to attend this competition by respondents who had seen them act in the university’s theatrical productions. Jaykob Parsons also attended and was a self-nominee. 

Only Crossman, Parsons and Shewan participated in the competition.  

 “None from our school moved on to the next (competition) round, but…our Dr. Wood was very proud of all of us and putting in the effort,” Shewan said. 

While the Irene Ryan competition was a significant part of the trip, the IWU Theatre Guild students also highlighted the impact of the workshops they attended throughout the week. 

“I got to learn a lot of stuff that I’ve never gotten to do before in theater,” Parsons said. “I’m still relatively new to it, and so I got to experience a whole lot of things that I may not be able to have the opportunity to explore here at IWU.”  

Some of the workshops Parson attended included stage combat, comedy and a PR workshop.  

Crossman also had positive comments about the workshops. 

Wood said he hopes to bring even more Indiana Wesleyan University Students next year and that Indiana will host the festival which will make travel much easier for students. 

“There’s basically something for everyone,” Wood said. “Without a doubt, it’s one of the most important festivals that college theater students can participate in whether they attend a small Christian school or if they attend major schools.”  

Overall, the IWU Theatre Guild gave their very best at the festival and learned practical information that will help them within the rest of their college and professional careers. 

Image provided by IWU Theatre Guild

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