Pioneer heard students and implemented a new checkout system at 42nd Street Deli with hopes of adding additional card readers at Casa del Gato and Wild Wok.
Long lines at the Deli have resulted in student Alyssa Ramos getting out of line. Molly Gray, another student, said that she leaves Wildcat when she predicts it will take longer than 10 minutes.
Hearing the student body, Pioneer added a card reader at the Deli to reduce wait times. Students can swipe for their meal before getting their food which eliminates the need to stand in a second line to checkout.
“I think it is beneficial and has helped the process of checking out,” Ramos said.
Previously, there was one place to swipe for meals from three locations.
Lines at the Deli continue to be long during certain hot spots of time Gray said.
Rob Scott, the director of Pioneer, said he is planning some changes to improve the new system.
“We have observed that the current placement of the card reader at the deli is not optimal, and we plan to relocate it to a more accessible position at the end of the service area,” Scott said.
This change may be a result of witnessing students not swiping for their meal. Gray said she saw a student leave the deli without swiping. The card reader did not work when they swiped and they were told to swipe at the main checkout line. Gray attributed their not swiping to the student not wanting to wait in a second line to checkout.
Gray also experienced this problem.
“Every time I swipe at the deli, I have to do it six times before it actually works,” Gray said.
Pioneer works to determine what changes to make to improve the system. Scott said they are currently considering similar installations at Casa del Gato and Wild Wok. Doing so would provide Pioneer with accurate data to use for better preparation and further reduce student wait times.
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